We Are Your Die Cutting Expert

Karya Pelangi prioritizes the most appropriate solution in completing the work, because it is supported by modern equipment, professional personnel and uses materials with trusted brands.

We love and take pride in our stunning work and would like to hear about it your next project!

Strong Commitment

Karya Pelangi always focuses on maintaining the quality of production, and continues to develop equipment in accordance with technological advances, as a commitment to provide the best.

Awesome Details

Karya Pelangi pays attention to every detail of its work, because for us this is an absolute requirement to achieve the perfection of the final result.

Good Execution

Along with the advance in technology, Karya Pelangi continue to upgrade the modern machine facilities and by having our professional staff to perform every job with precise calculation and punctuality.

Why We Are The Best

Mr.Yudianto, who has experience working at a die cutting company WRD Sdn. Bhd., an international die cutting company. In 2003 he founded Karya Pelangi, which continues to expand its business to provide the best solutions for its customers until now. Here’s how we works:


We use precise and reliable software to make the basic pattern i.e: Cimpack from Canada, AutoCad and CorelDraw. After this design process, then transferred to the network.


After transferring data, then the cutting process was performed using a very precise cutting laser machine on plywood, plastic or acrylic in accordance with the demand.


Cutting and bending knife blades with the auto bending machine, based on transmitted data through the computer.


Our staff are experienced in assembling knife that has been cut and mounted on plywood or acrylic with a very precise and high accuracy


Our concern is the quality of end result by maintaining the accuracy standard.

Other Services

We also provide well-known quality products for support production, including:
Thin Plate Bobst, Astralon Film 0.188 (for attaching plate stamps), R/Bak (ink delivery), Matrik Creasins, Pertinak (embossed printing), Stopper, Hanger, Rack Hanger, Drum RDC, Anvil Cover, Stripper Auto, etc.


Customer satisfaction is our top priority, so we always maintain product quality, on time delivery and good relationships with our customers. With this commitment, we have collaborated with our customers, including:

PT. Sinar Mas Group
APP Group
Sentralindo Group
PT. Surya Renggo Container Group
PT. Satyamitra Kemas Lestari
PT. Tristar Makmur Kartonindo
PT. Bosung Indonesia
PT. Taiwon Indonesia
PT. SGS Surabaya

PT. MGM Surabaya
PT. Spa Lamongan
PT. KL Surabaya
PT. Surabaya Mekabox
PT. Majubhakti Prasindo
PT. Penjalindo Nusantara
CV. Mediatama Perkasa
PT. Guru Indonesia
PT. Sinergi Global Industri
PT. Sumatera Hakarindo
PT. Kimu Bandung
PT. RSA Kediri
PT. KIM (Karya Indah Multiguna)
PT. Pura Barutama
And many more…